Repeat Prescription

How to order a repeat prescription

  • Online via the NHS App
  • By post –  please remember to include a stamped addressed envelope if you require your paper prescription posted back to you.
  • In person via the prescriptions box located in the main reception.

Non-urgent advice: Notice

Please 2 working days for us to turn around your prescription.

This is in addition to any time your pharmacy may take to dispense the medication.

The reason it takes so long is we run an extensive series of safety checks every time you order to ensure there are no interactions, that you are on the correct treatment for your condition and that you are up to date with required monitoring blood tests for the medicines you are on as well as performing cost reduction switches to save the NHS money.

Electronic Prescriptions

All prescriptions are now sent electronically to your chosen pharmacy. Please inform reception which chemist you would like us to send your prescription to. Nominating a pharmacy means we can send your prescription directly to the chemist saving you a journey to the practice.

You will still need to request your medication from the surgery each month.

How to Raise a Query about your Medication

If you have a question or other concerns about your medication, please contact our team at:

Help with NHS Costs

In England, around 90% of prescription items are dispensed free. This includes exemptions from charging for those on low incomes, such as:

  • those on specific benefits or through the NHS Low Income Scheme
  • those who are age exempt
  • those with certain medical conditions

If you’re pregnant or have had a baby in the last 12 months, you are entitled to free NHS prescriptions. This is only applies if you have a valid maternity exemption certificate.

How your Pharmacy can help

Pharmacists are experts in medicines who can help you with minor health concerns. Find out how your Pharmacy can help you.